Posted on June 1, 2020 by Frank Ferrante
Greetings, fellow Marxists, and welcome to the official Groucho Marx website. Though our hero would never belong to any club that would have him as a member, we hope he’d approve of this clubhouse of Marxian celebration.
As a dedicated Marx Brothers fan of 45 years, it was important to me that the site include rarer images, video and trivia. Groucho Internet Radio is a particular delight running twenty-four hours of Groucho content highlighting “You Bet Your Life, ” “Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel” and some lesser accessible programs. And a glance at the Archives under Magazine Covers is a vivid reminder of Groucho’s prevalence, longevity and impact on pop culture.
I would like to thank Robert Bader, Marxian nonpareil, for providing the site’s content and Bay Dariz for his design. And thank you, dear reader, for taking the deep dive into Groucho’s world. Expect updates, new content and messages from yours truly on a regular basis. Keep laughing and enjoy.
Hail Freedonia!
Frank Ferrante
Groucho Marx Productions, Inc.